Most Countries as Tourist Destinations in the world

If you love travel ,this is the list Most Countries as tourist destinations in the world.
There is France on the Top as this country's atmosphere so romantic for the couple and known as well as the fashion,perfume with the famous brands.
And followed by United State which known as country's industries films.

1. France - 79,500,000
2. United States - 62,300,000
3. China - 57,600,000
4. Spain - 56,700,000
5. Italy - 46,100,000
6. Turkey - 29,300,000
7. United Kingdom - 29,200,000
8. Germany - 28,400,000
9. Malaysia - 24,700,000
10. Mexico - 23,400,000
11. Austria - 23,000,000
12. Russia - 22,700,000
13. Ukraine - 21,400,000
14. Thailand - 19,100,000
15. Saudi Arabia - 17,500,000
16. Greece - 16,400,000
17. Canada - 16,000,000
18. Poland - 13,400,000
19. Netherlands - 11,300,000
20. Singapore - 10,400,000